Love in trouble - Suspicious Partner
Title : Love in Trouble - Suspicious Partner Genre : Crime Drama, Suspense, Romance Leads : Ji Chang Wook, Nam Ji Hyun, Choi Tae Joon, Kwon Nara Premise : A prosecutor and his new intern are still learning to get along when she is accused of murder. He risks his career to prove her innocence and along the way, while searching for a serial killer, they fall for each other. Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Describe the show with a hashtag : #IfLoveIsACrime Plot *minor spoilers ahead* This drama is about No Ji Wook (played by Ji Chang Wook) who risks and loses his job as prosecutor, a position he was so proud of and worked so hard at, to save his intern Eun Bong Hee (played by Nam Ji Hyun) when she is accused of murder. He goes on to start a law firm and hires Bong Hee as no one else wanted to hire an ex convict as a lawyer. They decide to work on finding the real murderer and discover that there is a serial killer on the loose. Along the way, his ex girlfriend replaces h...