Lawless Lawyer
Title : Lawless Lawyer Genre : Action, Legal Drama, Revenge Drama Leads : Lee Joon Gi, Seo Ye Ji, Lee Hye Young and Choi Min Soo Plot : When a thug becomes a lawyer, he takes advantage of the loopholes in the law to win cases and uses the law as a tool to exact revenge on those who killed his mother 18 years ago. Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Describe the show with a hashtag : #KickAssLawyer Plot Bong Sang Pil is a thug turned lawyer who uses loopholes in the law to win cases and doesn't hesitate to use his fists when the need arises. He has a sad history because his mum was killed in front of him when he was 10 years old and when someone sends him some ammunition that would help him get revenge against those responsible, he decides to move back to his home town to do exactly that. While there, he partners up with Ha Jae Yi, a strong willed and beautiful lady he's been watching because her mother saved his life when he was younger and a group of small time t...