Father is Strange
Title : Father is Strange Genre : Drama, Comedy, Family Drama Leads : Kim Yeong Cheol, Kim Hae Sook, Min Jin Woong, Lee Yoo Ri, Jung So Min, Ryu Hwa Young, Lee Joon Premise : A family is turned upside down when a man shows up claiming to be a son of the father. Rating ★★★★☆ (4.5) Describe the show with a hashtag : #FamilyGoals Plot This drama is about a family that lives on the outskirts of Seoul. Byun Han Soo is the father and his wife, Na Yeong Shil, a dedicated, responsible mother to their three daughters and one son. One day, Ahn Joong Hee, an actor who used to be a member of an idol group shows up at the household and declares that he is the son of the family and that he will be moving in with them. Needless to say, this doesn't go down well with the family and drama and chaos ensues and many secrets are revealed. My Feelings This drama was such a sweetheart, there is no better word to describe it wit...