Prison Playbook
Title: Prison Playbook
Genre: Drama, Ensemble Drama
Leads: Park Hae-Soo, Jung Kyung-Ho, Lee Kyu-Hyung
Premise: With only days before his major league baseball debut, pitcher Kim Je-hyeok unexpectedly finds himself behind bars. He must learn to navigate his new world with its own rules if he wants to survive.
Rating ★★★☆ (3.5)
Describe the show with a hashtag: #FunButLongJourney
Reasons to watch
- Great cast
- Superb story telling
- Lots of character development
- Some very very funny scenes
- Life lessons
- Jung Hae-In *swoon*
Reasons to skip
- Kinda long: most episodes are almost an hour and a half and there are 16 episodes
Verdict: Definitely worth the watch, especially on 1.25 speed 😉
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